Fisheries Infosite



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Grey mullet have been exploited by customary, commercial, and recreational fishers for over 100 years. They are found predominantly in harbours and these environments have undergone considerable change over this period due to a range of anthropogenic sources. The impact of these changes on potential carrying capacity and productivity are not understood and this potentially has impacts on the yields for GMU.

GMU 1 is currently assessed using CPUE data and these analyses suggest that the GMU 1 fishery is composed of a number of spatially distinct substocks and tagging data suggest low to moderate mixing between them. CPUE analyses using data up to 2005–06 have found that the CPUE in the Kaipara Harbour, Manukau Harbour, and east Northland (which collectively account for over 80% of the GMU 1 catch) have increased since 2002. Therefore catches in these areas appear to be sustainable in the short-term. The status of GMU1 relative to BMSY is unknown.

Document date
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Document type
V 1.3
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Adobe PDF
File size
203.9 kb
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M:\SCIPOL\Working Groups 2009\Plenary 2009\FINAL\MFish 2009 May Plenary\May 2009 - PDF\34_GMU_09.pdf

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Thursday, 11 June 2009

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Species: GMU;
Stock: GMU1; GMU10; GMU2; GMU3; GMU7;

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