Fisheries Infosite



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No estimates of current and reference biomass are available.

For SPO 1, reported landings have consistently declined since 1991 92.

Patterns in relative abundance suggest that recent catch levels are probably sustainable in the short term and CPUE in the Manukau Harbour has increased to levels last estimated for the mid-1990s from the low point estimated for 2002–03. However, it is unknown whether the current TACC is sustainable.

For SPO 2, reported landings have exceeded the TACC every year since 1991–92. A bottom trawl CPUE index shows long-term stability since the mid 1990’s despite increasing catches. A setnet series that was based on fewer data, showed similar trends but with a sharp drop below the trawl index in the final one or two years. As these indices are stable and have been for 14 years, the current TACC is thought to be sustainable. However, it is unknown whether the current catch, which is on average (past 4 years) 23% over the TACC, is sustainable.

SPO 3 is being managed within an AMP (the TACC was increased for the second time to 600 t in 2000–01). Recent catch levels are thought to be sustainable in the short-term, but it is not known if the TACC is sustainable because catches have averaged about 1/3 below the TACC since 2000–01.

SPO 7 is being managed within a stakeholder lead fisheries plan, prior to that it was managed within an AMP. The AMP FAWG concluded in 2006 based on a stock assessment, that SPO 7 was below BMSY and that neither current catches nor the TACC were sustainable. Based on this assessment, the TACC was reduced for 2006–07 to 221 t.

For SPO 8, landings have been relatively stable fluctuating around 200t annually since 1998-99. All recorded landings have been less than the TACC. Recent catch levels are probably sustainable in the short-term. However, it is unknown whether the current TACC is sustainable.

Document date
Sunday, 31 May 2009
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V 1.3
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319.5 kb
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Friday, 12 June 2009

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Species: SPO;
Stock: SPO1; SPO10; SPO2; SPO3; SPO7; SPO8;

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