Fisheries Infosite



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CPUE indices for the three substocks within TAR 1 were calculated using data through to the end of the 2006–07 fishing year. The indices remain stable suggesting that current catches and the TACC for TAR 1 are sustainable. In 2002 the Inshore WG concluded that TAR 1 was likely to be above BMSY. There is no evidence from the CPUE analyses to suggest any major changes in abundance since this time.

The TAR 2 fishery has provided fairly stable harvests of over 1 000t since the 1950s, and catches around 1 600t to 1 700t since the 1970s. Current catches (1 729t in 2006–07) are most likely sustainable. However, CPUE should be monitored to see whether the recent declines in CPUE fromthe target fishery continue.
The state of the TAR 2 stock in relation to BMSY is not known. Long periods of sustained catches around 1 600t to 1 700t indicate a flat yield curve for the stock, and suggest that the stock is probablyclose to BMSY.

The TAR 3 stock is believed to be separated from the TAR 2 stock at Point Gibson, south of Kaikoura. Tarakihi caught off Kaikoura are considered to form part of the TAR 2 stock, and the Kaikoura setnet index is no longer considered an appropriate index for the TAR 3 stock. The standardised BT(MIX) mixed species targeted bottom trawl CPUE index, excluding data from statistical area 18, appears to be the most appropriate abundance index to monitor TAR 3 abundance.This index fluctuates without trend around the long term average from 1989-90 to 1998-99, rises to a historical maximum 50% above the average in 1999-00, and then declines to the lowest levels over the data series by 2003-04 as a consequence of increased TAR targeting. The index is broadly consistent with trends observed in the ECSI winter trawl survey index, although the trawl survey is considered to be more an index of recruitment than populationabundance.

Current catches south of Point Gibson are likely sustainable at current levels of around 700t. Catches have been well below the TACC since 2003-04 and are currently only 60% of the TACC. Catches in the southern area at levels of the current TACC, may lead to declines inbiomass.

The state of the stock in relation to BMSY is unknown. Abundance appeared to reach its lowest historical level over 2003-04 to 2005-06, at about 70% of the long-term average, having declined steadily from a peak in 1999-00. Abundance may be increasing back to average levels again,although a decline was again noted in 2007-08.

For TAR 4, the fishery around the Chatham Islands has generally been lightly fished and the stock can probably support higher catch levels for the next few years.


The range of model results for TAR 7 west coast stock assessment suggests that, given the assumptions about recruitment, the stock size on average should increase under current catch levels and suggests that the stock size is Likely to be above BMSY.

Overall, landings from the North and South Islands have remained relatively stable, since at least the late 1960s, despite changes in effort and methods of fishing. Given the long, stable catch history of this fishery, current catch levels and TACCs are thought to be sustainable.

Document date
Sunday, 31 May 2009
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V 1.3
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Friday, 12 June 2009

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Species: TAR;
Stock: TAR1; TAR10; TAR2; TAR3; TAR4; TAR5; TAR7; TAR8;

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