Five key management measures will be used to build on the initiatives already being
undertaken by the fishing industry to reduce incidental catch, while at the same time ensuring
that extra steps are taken where necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the NPOA.
They are codes of practice, input controls, economic instruments, legal action against
individual vessels, and bycatch limits. A mix of both mandatory and voluntary measures will
be used. Actions to encourage a reduction in the incidental catch of seabirds by foreign
vessels fishing in high seas fisheries focus on education and awareness building. This is
consistent with New Zealand’s ability to influence the behaviour of foreign vessels in high
seas fisheries.
The NPOA divides fisheries in to three groups based on the level of interaction they have with
seabirds and the existing framework within which they are managed. The groups are fisheries
with known seabird interactions, high seas fisheries, and all other fisheries. A package of
management measures commensurate with the level of impact that each group has on seabirds
is outlined.