Fisheries Infosite



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The results from the reconditioned OM indicate that the spawning stock biomass is at a very low level. For the base case, the spawning biomass is estimated to be at 4.6% of the unfished level (SSB0), with a 90% probability interval of 3% to 8%. This very low spawning stock biomass is consistent across all the plausible alternative scenarios (median range: 3.6-5.1%) and is a little more than 15% of the level at which MSY could be obtained.

These results differ from those reported in earlier reports. This difference reflects the revisions in the model structure and the incorporation of new data. It does not imply that the actual spawning stock biomass has approximately halved in the period between reporting of results. Results from the new base case indicate that spawning stock biomass has been very low, but relatively stable, over the recent period (Figure 4).

The estimated trajectories of spawning stock biomass integrated over the grid for the base case over the full time series for the fishery are given in Figure 4. This shows a continuous decline from the late 1950s to the late 1970s, then a short period of stabilisation followed by a further decline from the early 1980s to mid 1990s to a very low level. The spawning stock biomass is estimated to have remained at this low level with relatively small annual variation until the early 2000s. For the more recent period, a decline in the median spawning stock biomass is evident from 2002. There is no current evidence of the spawning stock rebuilding.

Document date
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Document type
V 1.3
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457.1 kb
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Wednesday, 3 February 2010

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Species: STN;
Stock: STN1;

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