Fisheries Infosite

FAR 2013/18 Biomass survey and yield calculation for the Coromandel commercial scallop fishery, 2012.

FAR 2013 18 Biomass survey and yield calculation for the Coromandel commercial scallop fishery.pdf

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FAR 2013 18 Biomass survey and yield calculation for the Coromandel commercial scallop fishery.pdf (1.1 MB)

This report summarises research and fishery information for scallops (Pecten novaezelandiae) in the Coromandel scallop stock (SCA CS). A dredge survey of the main commercial scallop beds and adjacent areas was conducted in April–May 2012 to estimate the population abundance, biomass and size structure of scallops. Estimates of Current Annual Yield were calculated for the 2012–13 fishing year, by applying a reference rate of fishing mortality (F0.1) to the estimated start-of-season recruited meatweight biomass of scallops.

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Monday, 8 July 2013
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FAR 2013 18 Biomass survey and yield calculation for the Coromandel commercial scallop fishery.pdf

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Wednesday, 9 April 2014

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FAR: 2013/18;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-40571-2;
ScienceStock: Shellfish; Shellfish;
Species: scallop, Pecten novaezelandiae; scallop, Pecten novaezelandiae;
Stock: SCA CS; SCA CS;
FishingMethod: dredge; dredge;
ResearchField: dredge survey, population abundance, biomass, size structure, current annual yield, CAY, fishing mor; dredge survey, population abundance, biomass, size structure, current annual yield, CAY, fishing mor;
Author: Bian; Bian; Parkinson; Parkinson; Williams; Williams;

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