Fisheries Infosite

FAR 2014/29 The distribution and abundance of pipis and cockles in the Northland, Auckland and Bay of Plenty regions, 2013.


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FAR_2014_29_2787_AKI2012-01.pdf (6.4 MB)

The distribution, abundance and size of pipis and cockles were estimated at 12 beaches/harbours in Auckland, Northland, and Bay of Plenty. Cockle numbers increased at Whangateau Harbour and Ohiwa Estuary, but decreased at Grahams Beach. Three beaches with a rahui or restriction (Cockle Bay, Umupuia Beach, Whangateau Harbour) had significant increases in numbers of large cockles. The pipi population declined at Marsden Bank, but increased at Raglan Harbour, Whangateau Harbour and Ohiwa Estuary.

Document date
Friday, 11 July 2014
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V 1.3
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014

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FAR: 2014/29;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-43260-2;
Species: Cockle; Pipi;
ResearchField: abundance; Distribution; size;
Author: Pawley; Smith;

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