Fisheries Infosite

Stock Assessment of arrow squid (SQU 1T and 6T).


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FAR-2016-28-SQUID-Stock-Assessment.pdf (15.2 MB)

A De Lury depletion model was fitted using observer length frequency data and commercial catch and effort data for the Auckland Islands and Snares areas in the 1990¬¬-2014 fishing years. Each season and area was modelled separately, mimicking real-time to test suitability for in-season management. The models failed to converge for several seasons for both areas.

Document date
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Document type
V 1.3
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15.2 MB
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Wednesday, 29 June 2016

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FAR: 2016/28;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-262-4;
Species: SQU; SQU;
Stock: DQU 1T; SQU 6T; DQU 1T; SQU 6T;
ResearchField: Auckland Islands; Length-frequency; Model; Snares; Auckland Islands; Length-frequency; Model; Snares;
Author: Large; McGregor; Large; McGregor;

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