Fisheries Infosite

FAR 2024/01 Catch-at-age for barracouta (Thyrsites atun) in BAR 5 and gemfish (Rexea solandri) in SKI 3and SKI 7 for the 2021โ€“22 fishing year


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FAR-2024-01-Catch-At-Age-For-Barracouta-BAR5-And-Gemfish-SKI3-And-SKI7-2022-4440.pdf (1.6 MB)

Catch-at-age data are important for the stock assessment of fish species because they provide information on the strength and progression of age classes in the stock, including juveniles and fish that are large enough to be taken by commercial fishers. These data include information on fish length and age (from otoliths—the ear bones of fish) collected at sea by observers from the commercial catch.
This report provides analyses of catch-at-age from the bottom trawl fisheries for barracouta (Thyrsites atun, BAR) in BAR 5 (Southland) and for gemfish (Rexea solandri, SKI) in SKI 3 (southeast coast) and SKI 7 (Challenger) for the 2021–22 fishing year. These results are the second of a three-year catch-at-age series for these two species.
Data for the 2021–22 season included few barracouta under 60 cm, indicating either less fishing on smaller (and younger) barracouta, or a poor year class should be expected. Most of the barracouta were aged 2–5 years.
Gemfish from SKI 3 in the 2021–22 fishing year showed a range of fish sizes, with most between 45 and 52 cm, which corresponded to age 2 fish, and also at sizes that corresponded to ages 4–6.
Gemfish from SKI 7 were less variable in length and included some fish under 50 cm, mainly females, which corresponded to ages 0–1. Most of the gemfish in SKI 7 around 50 cm in length corresponded to age 2; this was a strong cohort, particularly for males. Females were generally larger (and older) than males in the bottom trawl catch, with a strong mode at ages 5–8 for the females.

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Tuesday, 16 January 2024
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V 1.3
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Tuesday, 16 January 2024

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FAR: 2024/01;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-991120-59-5;
AUTHOR: Devine, J.A.; Sutton, C.; Hart, A.;

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