Fisheries Infosite

FAR 2024/15 Trawl survey of hoki and middle-depth species in the Southland and Sub-Antarctic areas, November–December 2022 (TAN2215)


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FAR-2024-15-Hoki-And-Middle-Depth-Trawl-Survey-Southland-And-SubAntarctic-2022-TAN2215-4437.pdf (18.3 MB)

This report provides results for the 20th summer trawl survey of hoki, hake, ling, and associated species in the Sub-Antarctic carried out from 23 November to 23 December 2022. Seventy-four of the 80 planned phase one stations were completed; there was no time to carry out phase two.
When compared with the previous survey in 2020, biomass estimates in core strata (200–800 m depths) were up by 31% for hoki, up by 10% for ling, and down by 25% for hake. The precision target (coefficient of variation) of 15% was met for hoki and ling but slightly exceeded for hake.
The hoki length and age distributions were mainly adult fish with few 1+ fish (2021 year class, fish less than 45 cm) and few 2+ fish (2020 year class, 45–55 cm). The hake and ling length and age distributions were broad, with few juvenile fish. 
The acoustic estimate of midwater fish abundance was lower than that in 2020 but still above the average of the time series.
A total of 188 species or species groups were caught, of which 88 different species of fish and squid (29 560 fish) were measured, and 12 320 fish were individually weighed during the survey.

Document date
Wednesday, 27 March 2024
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V 1.3
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Wednesday, 27 March 2024

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FAR: 2024/15;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-991285-12-6;
AUTHOR: Stevens, D.W.; MacGibbon, D.J.; Ballara, S.L.; Wieczorek, A.M.; Barnes, T.C.; Stevens, D.W.; MacGibbon, D.J.; Ballara, S.L.; Wieczorek, A.M.; Barnes, T.C.;

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