This report summarises the 2024 characterisation of one of the five main ling stocks managed under the Quota Management System: Sub-Antarctic ling (LIN 5&6 and LIN 6B). The Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) in LIN 5&6 is generally caught whilst that in LIN 6B has not been caught since 2005.
The bottom longline standardised catch per unit effort (CPUE) was updated for LIN 5&6 and for LIN 6B. Spatio-temporal CPUE indices were also developed and were in general agreement with the non-spatially explicit CPUE indices.
Length-weight relationships, von Bertalanffy growth curves, and maturity curves were updated for LIN 5&6. The maturity ogive for LIN 5&6 indicated some level of inter-annual variability. Only von Bertalanffy growth curves were updated for LIN 6B due to the paucity of data.
Inputs to the 2024 stock assessment of Sub-Antarctic ling are summarised.
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