Ling (Genypterus blacodes) is an important commercial fish species in New Zealand middle depths waters and is caught mainly by bottom trawls, bottom longlines, and increasingly by potting.
This report summarises the management strategy evaluation of the three main ling stocks: the Chatham Rise (LIN 3&4), Sub-Antarctic (LIN 5&6 and LIN 6B) and the west coast of the South Island (LIN 7WC).
Results showed that the projected stock status was mostly affected by the assumptions of natural mortality and future recruitment. The different parameterisations of the harvest control rule had little effect. All simulations maintained biomass above the soft limit.
A potential target range was developed for ling, at 33–50% of initial biomass. Under such a target range, only a small subset of simulations would not achieve 50% probability of being above the lower end of target range.
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