Fisheries Infosite

FAR 2025/10 Rock lobster catch and effort data: 1979–80 to 2023–24


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FAR-2025-10-Rock-lobster-catch-and-effort-data-1979-80-to-2023-24.pdf (4.1 MB)

 This paper summarises commercial catch and effort statistics for red rock lobsters, which are also known in New Zealand as “crayfish” or “kōura”. The summaries are by the fishing year as set out in the Fisheries Act, with the rock lobster legal fishing year defined as the period 1 April–31 March. The summaries presented in this document cover the period 1 April 1979 to 31 March 2024.
There are nine red rock lobster Quota Management Areas (QMAs) that cover all inshore waters of the North Island, the South Island and the Chatham Islands. There are 43 statistical areas that lie within these nine QMAs. The summaries are ordered by QMA, with each QMA identified by a three-letter code and a number. The red rock lobster code is CRA, so the nine QMAs are labelled CRA 1 to CRA 9.
The first three tables for each CRA QMA summarise, by statistical area and fishing year, (1) number of vessels, (2) catch and (3) effort. The last category is defined as the total number of rock lobster pots lifted within each fishing year and statistical area. The fourth table summarises catch by month and fishing year for the entire QMA and a fifth table gives the monthly catch by statistical area for just the final fishing year, which is 2023–24 in this document.
The sixth table for each QMA summarises catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) by statistical area and fishing year. CPUE in this table is defined as the annual catch (in kilograms) from the second table divided by the number of potlifts in the third table.

Document date
Friday, 14 February 2025
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V 1.3
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Friday, 14 February 2025

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AUTHOR: Starr, P.J.;

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