Estimates of current and reference biomass are not available for any barracouta stocks and therefore it is not known if current TACCs and recent catches are sustainable or whether they are at levels which will allow the stocks to move towards a size that will support the maximum sustainable yield.
In the last seven years, catches have been below the estimated MCY in BAR 1, which suggests that the current catch levels are sustainable. In BAR 4 the catch increased in 2006–07 to the level of the TACC for the first time since 1986–87. The landings in the previous 4 years were below 1000 t. In BAR 5 recent catch lebels have fluctuated about thelevle of the TACC. However, catches in BAR 7 were well above the TACC in 2006–07. It is not known whether these higher catches are sustainable.
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