Fisheries Infosite

Plenary (BAR_06)


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BAR_06.pdf (43.3 kb)


Estimates of current and reference biomass are not available.

In the last five years, catches have been below the estimated MCY in BAR 1, which suggests that the current catch levels are sustainable. However, it is not known if catches at the level of the current TACC (11 000 t) will allow the stock to move towards a size that will support the maximum sustainable yield.

Catches in BAR 5 and 7 were above the TACCs in 2004–05. It is not known if current TACCs and recent catches in these areas are sustainable or whether they are at levels which will allow the stock to move towards a size that will support the maximum sustainable yield.

Document date
Monday, 15 May 2006
Document type
V 1.3
File format
Adobe PDF
File size
43.3 kb
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Friday, 7 November 2008

Search tags
Species: BAR;
Stock: BAR1; BAR10; BAR4; BAR5; BAR7; BARET;

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