Fisheries Infosite

Plenary (WWA_FINAL 08)

WWA_FINAL 08.pdf

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WWA_FINAL 08.pdf (159.6 kb)


It is not known whether recent catches are sustainable or if they are at levels that will allow the stock

to move towards a size that will support the maximum sustainable yield.

TACCs were increased from 1 October 2006 in WWA 3 to 583 t, in WWA 4 to 330 t, and in WWA 7

to 127 t. In these stocks landings were above the TACC for a number of years and the TACCs have

been increased to the average of the previous 7 years plus an additional 10%. Despite this change the

catch in WWA 3 in 2006-07 was well above the new TACC.

TACCs and reported landings for the 2006–07 fishing year are summarised in Table 4.

Document date
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Document type
V 1.3
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Adobe PDF
File size
159.6 kb
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Friday, 7 November 2008

Search tags
Species: WWA;
Stock: WWA1; WWA10; WWA2; WWA3; WWA4; WWA5B; WWA7; WWA8; WWA9; WWAET;

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