Fisheries Infosite

Albacore Extra Territorial (200 mile limit) (ALBET)
Scientific name
Thunnus alalunga

Physical characteristics

Albacore Tuna are blackish-blue on top with silvery-grey undersides. They can grow to a maximum length of 133 cm, but the average adult in New Zealand only reaches around 63 cm.

Life cycle

There is no estimate of maximum age available for Albacore Tuna, but it is estimated that males reach maturity at 71 cm and females at 82 cm.


Albacore Tuna are found all around New Zealand except for the east coast of the South Island at depths to 380 m.

Key statistics
Recreational significance Medium
Customary significance Medium
Reported commercial catch1 (tonnes)
Quota value estimate2 (NZ$m)
Exports estimate2 (NZ$m)
1 Reported commercial catch is calculated for the 12 month period to 30/09/2026
2 Quota value and exports are calculated pro-rata to reported commercial catch for the 12 month period to 30/09/2026