Fisheries Infosite

Fish type - Freshwater

Freshwater fisheries
Key opportunities and challenges
  • Managing overlaps in legislation between departments 
  • Levels of use difficult to quantify  

There are about 66 species of freshwater fish in New Zealand, 21 of which are introduced.

Freshwater species form an integral part of complex and diverse ecosystems that support biodiversity and ecological production in both fresh and salt water habitats.

The Fisheries Act 1996 provides for the management of aquatic life in all fisheries waters, which include inland waters, estuaries, and the sea.  Freshwater species have customary value as taonga, and recreational and commercial value, as well as intrinsic value as part of the broader ecosystem.
Freshwater species are managed for customary Maori purposes, recreational or commercial fishing, aquaculture, aquatic life transfers, education, research and enhancement.

The management of sportsfish (eg salmon and trout) and unwanted organisms is administered under other legislation.