Fisheries Infosite

Region - Southland/Fiordland (FMA 5)

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 

25 items
Spp codeCodeNameCustomary significanceRec. significanceExport value (NZ$m)Export weight (000 tonnes)
BCO BCO3 Blue Cod South East (Coas... HighHigh
BCO BCO5 Blue Cod Southland HighHigh
BUT BUT3 Butterfish South-East(Co...   
BUT BUT5 Butterfish Southland   
ELE ELE3 Elephant Fish 3 & 4 Combi... MediumMedium
ELE ELE5 Elephant Fish 5 & 6 Combi... MediumMedium
FLA FLA3 Flatfish 3, 4, 5 & 6 Comb...   
GUR GUR3 Gurnard South East (Coast... MediumMedium
MOK MOK3 Blue Moki South East (Coa... MediumMedium
MOK MOK5 Blue Moki Southland MediumMedium
OYU OYU5 Dredge Oyster Foveaux Str...   
RCO RCO3 Red Cod South East (Coast... MediumMedium
RSK RSK3 Rough Skate 3, 4, 5 and 6...   
SCH SCH3 School Shark South East (... MediumMedium
SCH SCH5 School Shark Southland MediumMedium
SPE SPE3 Sea Perch South-East(Coas... MediumMedium
SPE SPE5 Sea Perch Southland MediumMedium
STA STA3 Stargazer South East (Coa... LowLow
STA STA5 Stargazer Southland LowLow
TAR TAR3 Tarakihi South East (Coas... HighHigh
TAR TAR5 Tarakihi Southland HighHigh
TRU TRU3 Trumpeter South-East(Coas...   
TRU TRU5 Trumpeter Southland   
YEM YEM3 Yellow Eyed Mullet South...   
YEM YEM5 Yellow Eyed Mullet South...   
      0.00000 0.00000


  1. Exports are calculated pro-rata to reported commercial catch for the calendar year 2026.