Fisheries Infosite

A survey of Bonamia exitiosa infection, and oyster density and recruitment in Foveaux Strait dredge oysters (Ostrea chilensis), February 2006

\2008 FARs\08_47_FAR.pdf

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A survey of Bonamia exitiosa infection, and oyster density and recruitment in Foveaux Strait dredge oysters (Ostrea chilensis), February 2006

Document date
Friday, 1 August 2008
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V 1.3
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7.1 MB
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E:\DevelopmentShare\FPCS_20090424\FPCS\Science\Documents\2008 FARs\08_47_FAR.pdf

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Thursday, 30 April 2009

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ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: OYS2005/01;
FAR: 2008/47;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: OYS;
Stock: OYU5;
FishingMethod: Dredging;
ResearchField: Biomass; Life-history characteristics;
Author: Dunn; Forman; Michael;

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