Fisheries Infosite



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The current fishery is unlikely to have had much effect on the state of the BYX 1 stock, which is likely to be lightly exploited. Current catch levels are most probably sustainable. No stock assessment has yet been conducted for BYX 1, and the state of the stock in relation to BMSY is not known.

Annual landings from 1986 to 2007-08 have remained reasonably stable at or above the level of the TACC. Catch at this level appears to be sustainable in the short to medium term.

Alfonsino on the Chatham Rise (BYX 3) were lightly fished prior to 1995–96 when catches increased to near the TACC, due to the development of new fishing grounds. Catch has fluctuated around the TACC since then. It is not known if the recent catch levels or the current TACC are sustainable.

Document date
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Document type
V 1.3
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Adobe PDF
File size
221.7 kb
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M:\SCIPOL\Working Groups 2009\Plenary 2009\FINAL\MFish 2009 May Plenary\May 2009 - PDF\02_BYX_09.pdf

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Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Search tags
Species: BYX;
Stock: BYX1; BYX2; BYX3;

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