Fisheries Infosite



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Estimates of current and reference biomass are not available. The estimates of MCY are probably conservative because of under reporting of catch and large fluctuations in effort caused by movement of blue cod fishers to the rock lobster fishery.

For BCO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8, recent commercial catch levels and current TACCs are considered sustainable. The MCY for BCO 7 is based on commercial catches only and therefore does not include recreational catches made during the same base period (1983–1986). For Statistical Area 017 (in BCO 7) it is not known if the combined recreational and commercial catches are sustainable or if they are at levels that will allow the stock to move towards a size that will support the MSY. There are indications that stock abundance is low in the Marlborough Sounds.

Recent (2007) survey results recorded no blue cod in the inner Queen Charlotte Sound and low abundance in the outer Sounds relative to previous years.

Document date
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Document type
V 1.3
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226.7 kb
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M:\SCIPOL\Working Groups 2009\Plenary 2009\FINAL\MFish 2009 May Plenary\May 2009 - PDF\07_BCO_09.pdf

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Wednesday, 10 June 2009

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Species: BCO;
Stock: BCO1; BCO10; BCO2; BCO3; BCO4; BCO5; BCO7; BCO8;

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