Fisheries Infosite



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The last stock assessment for Papanui Inlet and Waitati was in 2007. In Waitati Inlet for 2007 the biomass of juvenile cockles (>2−18 mm) has increased from 2002 and 2004 levels but remains well below figures for 1992. The biomass of adult (19−34 mm) cockles has also increased over 2002 and 2004 levels but is lower than that recorded in 1998. The biomass of large adult (≥35 mm) cockles is the lowest since 1992, and the biomass of cockles ≥30 mm is the lowest since 1998.

No size limit has been set for COC 3. However, commercial fishers currently target cockles between 28-34 mm, and >38 mm. In Waitati Inlet, the estimates of CAY for this size category are above current catch levels and recent reported landings. Furthermore, CAY estimates for the area of the inlet where commercial fishing currently occurs are also above current catch levels and recent reported landings. Catch levels higher than recent reported landings would be required to move the stocks in the inlets towards a size that will support the maximum sustainable yield.

Cockles recruit to the spawning stocks in the Otago area at a length of about 18 mm shell length. The harvested beds may receive spat from other areas. For these reasons, and because of the low harvesting levels, the risk of recruitment overfishing is probably low.

Document date
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Document type
V 1.3
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161.5 kb
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Wednesday, 10 June 2009

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Species: COC;
Stock: COC3A;

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