Fisheries Infosite



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A stock assessment of PAU 5A was undertaken in 2006. Spawning biomass was estimated to be 382– 619 t. This was projected to decline to around 60% (range 40% to 150%) of its 2005 level in the following 3–5 years, at 2004–05 total catch levels of 156.95 t. The exploitation rate was estimated to be 35–55% for this period and its upper bound of 65% in the following 3–5 years.

At face value, these results suggest that the current TACC and recent catches were not sustainable. These results are dependent on the RDSI adequately indexing thebiomass in the whole of PAU 5A.

This may not be the case. The Plenary could not agree on the applicability of the assessment projections to the whole of the PAU 5A stock. However, the results suggest that catches at current levels within the Dusky, Chalky and South coast areas of PAU 5A will result in further depletion within these areas.

Document date
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Document type
V 1.3
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Adobe PDF
File size
321.2 kb
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Thursday, 11 June 2009

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Species: PAU;
Stock: PAU5A;

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