Fisheries Infosite

Fishery characterisation and standardised CPUE analyses for barracouta, Thyrsites atun, (Euphrasen, 1791) (Gempylidae),1989–90 to 2007–08


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This report includes a description of all New Zealand barracouta fisheries catches up to the fishing year 2007–08; development of catch-per-unit-effort models for the three main fisheries (east and west coasts of the South Island and Southland); a summary of observer size frequency data; a summary of trawl survey biomass and size frequency data; and a review of stock structure. It makes recommendations on future data requirements and methods for monitoring the stocks.

Document date
Thursday, 31 May 2012
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V 1.3
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Thursday, 31 May 2012

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FAR: 2012/12;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-38819-0;
ScienceStock: Deepwater; Inshore;
Species: BAR' Barracouta;
Stock: BAR;
FishingMethod: Trawling;
Author: MacGibbon; Hurst; Ballara;

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