Fisheries Infosite

Age composition of commercial snapper landings in SNA 2, 2007–08.

FAR_2013_25_2115_SNA2007-03, Obj.1, RR1.pdf

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FAR_2013_25_2115_SNA2007-03, Obj.1, RR1.pdf (488.3 kb)

 This report presents results of commercial catch-at-age for the SNA 2 fishstock for the 2007–08 fishing year, and compares relative year-class strengths with previous estimates. These data support the existence of spatial differences in age frequency distribution between the northern and southern areas of SNA 2.

Document date
Monday, 8 July 2013
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V 1.3
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488.3 kb
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FAR_2013_25_2115_SNA2007-03, Obj.1, RR1.pdf

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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

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FAR: 2013/25;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-40598-9;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: snapper;
Stock: SNA 2;
FishingMethod: trawl, target line;
ResearchField: catch-at-age, year-class, SNA 2, SNA;
Author: Blackwell; McKenzie;

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