Fisheries Infosite

FAR 2014/35 Developing indices of relative abundance from observational aerial sightings of inshore pelagic finfish; Part 2, expanding the dataset and producing annual indices for KAH 1 and TRE 1.

FAR_2014_35_2592_SEA2010-17 (Obj. 1-2, MS 4 & 8).pdf

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FAR_2014_35_2592_SEA2010-17 (Obj. 1-2, MS 4 & 8).pdf (1.1 MB)

Annual indices of relative abundance for trevally and kahawai in the Bay of Plenty were estimated using aerial sightings data to the end of 2010–11. There were insufficient data collected in east Northland so indices were not developed there.

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Wednesday, 30 July 2014
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FAR_2014_35_2592_SEA2010-17 (Obj. 1-2, MS 4 & 8).pdf

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Monday, 4 August 2014

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FAR: 2014/35;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-43715-7;
ScienceStock: KAH; TRE;
Species: Kahawai; trevally;
Stock: KAH1; TRE1;
ResearchField: aerial sightings; Indices of relative abundance;
Author: Doonan; Taylor;

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