Fisheries Infosite

Generating random transects in PAU 5D using the NIWA survey design tool


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FAR-2016-16-PAU-Transects.pdf (1.6 MB)

Objective 2 of the Ministry for Primary Industries’ project PAU 2008-02 involved timed-swim surveys of PAU 5D to estimate the abundance of paua in the commercial fishery. After two reviews of the timed-swim methodology it was concluded that the relationship between abundance and the survey indices was unlikely to be linear. The Shellfish Working Group decided to discontinue these surveys and to trial lead-line transect survey methods within part of PAU 5D to assess whether the variance associated with density estimates was low enough for the estimates to usefully inform the stock assessment model. The Shellfish Working Group discussed and agreed upon a survey methodology, which included the random selection of sites and a means of ensuring that transects were traversed perpendicular to the shore. To facilitate the design of surveys NIWA developed a survey design tool available to use in the open source GIS application QGIS. This document describes the survey design, the survey tool, and provides instructions of the use of the survey tool which is available from the standard QGIS plugin repository as “Survey design plugin”.

Document date
Friday, 15 April 2016
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V 1.3
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1.6 MB
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Friday, 15 April 2016

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FAR: 2016/16;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-214-3;
ScienceStock: Shellfish;
Species: PAU;
Stock: PAU 5D;
FishingMethod: Transect survey;
ResearchField: Abundance;
Author: Wood;

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