Fisheries Infosite

AEBR 223 The population effects of New Zealand sea lion mortality scenarios relating to the southern arrow squid fishery at the Auckland Islands


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AEBR-2019-223-Population-simulation-Auckland-Islands-NZ-sea-lions.pdf (1.2 MB)

 Population models were developed for New Zealand sea lions at the Auckland Islands, including current demographic data. The base model was used to estimate an annual PST of 26 females. Future fishery deaths at the PST were estimated to result in a mature female population in 2025 that was 3.9% to 5.0% lower than that estimated in the absence of future squid fishery (SQU 6T) deaths; compared with 0.5% to 1.0% lower when future deaths were consistent with deaths estimated for the recent period.

Document date
Tuesday, 6 August 2019
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V 1.3
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1.2 MB
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Tuesday, 6 August 2019

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AEBR: 223;
ISBN: 978-0-9951271-4-2;
ISSN: 1179-6480;
AUTHOR: J. Roberts;

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