Fisheries Infosite

FAR 2022/05 FLA 3 fishery characterisation, CPUE analysis, and management procedure evaluation, 1989–90 to 2018–19


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FAR-2022-05-Flatfish-FLA3-Characterisation-CPUE-And-Management-Procedure-To-2019-4256.pdf (15.2 MB)

 The fisheries taking FLA 3 are described for 1989–90 to 2018–19, based on commercial catch and effort data. FLA 3 includes up to 14 species, with three species predominating. Standardised catch per unit effort (CPUE) analyses were conducted on the FLA 3 species complex and on the three prevalent species. Finally, an in-season management procedure (MP), which set a TACC based on partial year CPUE, was evaluated for the period 2010 to 2019, the year the MP was suspended.

Document date
Wednesday, 16 February 2022
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V 1.3
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Wednesday, 16 February 2022

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FAR: 2022/05;
AUTHOR: Starr, P.J.; Kendrick, T.H.;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-99-102631-6;

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