Fisheries Infosite

ELE 3&5 Fishery Characterisation and CPUE


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6011276-FAR-2013-38-ELE-3-5-Fishery-Characterisation-and-CPUE.pdf (4.8 MB)

Bottom trawling targeting red cod, elephantfish and flatfish take elephantfish off ECSI (ELE 3). BT fisheries for flatfish and stargazer take ELE in Foveaux Strait (ELE 5). Rig and elephantfish setnet (SN) fisheries take ELE in ELE 3, while SN fisheries take a few ELE in ELE 5. BT CPUE analyses lead to the conclusion that ELE in ELE 3 and ELE 5 are in a healthy state. Research trawl information for ELE off the ECSI, over 14 surveys spanning 1992 to 2009, lead to a similar conclusion.

Document date
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Document type
V 1.3
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4.8 MB
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Friday, 7 July 2023

Search tags
FAR: 2013/38;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: Elephantfish;
Stock: ELE 3; ELE 5;
FishingMethod: bottom trawl;
ResearchField: catch-per-unit-effort; characterisation; CPUE;
Author: Kendrick; Starr;

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