Fisheries Infosite

Plenary (COC_7A-7B_FINAL 08)

COC_7A-7B_FINAL 08.pdf

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COC_7A-7B_FINAL 08.pdf (243.9 kb)


Estimates of reference biomass and reference fishing mortality rates are available, and there are estimates of current biomass for each area.

At Pakawau Beach, the biomass of cockles does not appear to have declined since the start of the commercial fishery in 1983, and has probably increased owing to exceptional recruitment in 2000. At Ferry Point, the size and abundance of cockles has declined markedly since 1996. A CAY strategy and more frequent surveys may allow this stock to rebuild or at least indicate a long-term average biomass for the area. At Riwaka-Tapu Bay, size and abundance has also declined. A MCY strategy is possible for this stock without on-going surveys, or a CAY strategy with more frequent surveys, which would give better information on the long-term average biomass for the area.

Because of the uncertainty over the relationship between BCURRENT and BMSY, it is not known if recent catches and current catch limits will allow the COC 7A stock to move towards a size that will support the MSY.

Document date
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Document type
V 1.3
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File size
243.9 kb
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Friday, 7 November 2008

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Species: COC;
Stock: COC7A; COC7B;

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