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39_JMA_09 (39_JMA_09.pdf)
A descriptive analysis of the jack mackerel fishery to 2003–04 (\2008 FARs\08_42_FAR.pdf)
An examination of species proportion estimates, standardised stock indices, and the use of age-structured stock assessment models for jack mackerel, Trachurus declivis and T. novaezelandiae, in JMA 7 (\1999 FARDs\99_54_FARD.pdf)
Areas of importance for spawning, pupping or egg-laying, and juveniles of New Zealand coastal fish (ENV1999-03 Coastal Fish NZ Objective 1 Final.pdf)
Assessment of jack mackerel stocks off the central west coast, New Zealand for the 1991-92 fishing year (\1991 FARDs\91_06_FARD.pdf)
Characterisation of pelagic fisheries using observer data (09_06_FAR.pdf)
Commercial catch sampling for species proportion, sex, length, and age of jack mackerels in JMA 1 in the 2006–07, 2007–08 and 2008–09 fishing years. (5246445-FAR-2012-48-2371-JMA2006-01-NIW-FAR-Incl-PEL2008-01-obj1-3-4-MS4-26-Nov-2012-2.pdf)
Commercial catch sampling for species proportion, sex, length, and age of jack mackerels in JMA 7 in the 2011–12 fishing year, with a summary of all available data sets (6032122-FAR-2013-43-Commercial-catch-sampling-for-species-proportion-sex-length-and-age-of-jack-mackerels.pdf)
Commercial catch sampling for species proportion, sex, length, and age of jack mackerels in JMA 7 in the 2014–15 fishing year, with a summary of all available data sets. (FAR-2017-39-Commercial-Catch-Sampling-JMA7.pdf)
Common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) bycatch in New Zealand mackerel trawl fisheries, 1995-96 to 2008-09 (AEBR_63 common dolphin.pdf)