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128 items (1 to 10 shown)
57_OEOintro_09 (57_OEOintro_09.pdf)
58_OEO3A_09 (58_OEO3A_09.pdf)
59_OREO4_09 (59_OREO4_09.pdf)
60_OEO1-6_09 (60_OEO1-6_09.pdf)
A non-parametric age selectivity ogive for OEO 3A black oreo for 2001-02 (\2001 FARs\01_40_FARD .pdf)
A sampling programme to construct and quantify fish food-webs on the Chatham Rise (FINAL_FRR2002_07_Livingston_Pinkerton.pdf)
A stock assessment of smooth oreo in Southland (part of OEO 1 & OEO 3A) (\2008 FARs\08_37_FAR.pdf)
A summary of observer biological information on the New Zealand black oreo and smooth oreo fisheries form 1979-80 to 2004-05 (\2006 FARs\06_55_FAR.pdf)
A summary of observer biological information on the New Zealand black oreo and smooth oreo fisheries from 1979-80 to 2001-02 (\2003 FARs\03_23_FAR.pdf)
A summary of observer biological information on the New Zealand black oreo and smooth oreo fisheries from 1979-80 to 2002-03 (\2005 FARs\05_29_FAR.pdf)