Fisheries Infosite

Grey-headed albatross (XGM)
Scientific name
Thalassarche chrysostoma

There is currently no data available for this species.

DOC threat status: 2 Nationally endangered
IUCN listing: Vulnerable
Average maturity age: 10
Maximum age:
Adult survival average: 95
Litter: 1
Reproduction frequency
(per year):
Demographic data source: Values cited in Hamer et al 2000
Population: 7803.76
Population source: ACAP tables

5 items
Category Environmental impacts
Effects on other species
Seabird interactions (and their accidental capture) with bottom longline fishing vessels details
Effects on other species
Seabird interactions (and their accidental capture) with surface longline fishing vessels details
Effects on other species
Seabird interactions with inshore trawlers. details
Effects on other species
Seabird interactions with deepwater (offshore) trawlers details
Effects on other species
Seabird interactions with scampi trawlers. details