Region - North East Coast North Island (FMA 1)
54 items
BCO1 | Blue Cod Auckland (East) |
| | 46,244 |
BMA1 | Blue Maomao Auckland(East) |
| | |
BNS1 | Bluenose Auckland (East) |
| 251,000 | 230,000 |
BYA1 | Frilled Venus Shell Auckland (East) |
| 1,000 | 1,000 |
COC1A | Cockle Whangarei Harbour cockle fishery |
| 400,000 | 346,000 |
COC1B | Cockle East Northland |
| 46,000 | 0 |
COC1C | Cockle Hauraki Gulf and Bay of Plenty |
| 72,000 | 5,000 |
CRA1 | Spiny red rock lobster Northland |
| 172,000 | 89,000 |
DAN1 | Ringed Dosinia Auckland (East) |
| 7,000 | 7,000 |
DSU1 | Silky dosinia Auckland (East) |
| 1,000 | 1,000 |
FLA1 | Flatfish 1 & 9 Combined |
| 986,000 | 890,000 |
GAR1 | Garfish Auckland(East) |
| 55,000 | 25,000 |
GLM1 | Green-lipped mussel Auckland (East) |
| 415,000 | 10,000 |
GMU1 | Grey Mullet Auckland (East) & (West) combined |
| 1,125,000 | 925,501 |
GUR1 | Gurnard Auckland (East) |
| 996,000 | 800,000 |
HOR1 | Horse Mussel Auckland (East) |
| 14,000 | 4,000 |
HPB1 | Hapuku & Bass 1 & 9 Combined |
| 215,000 | 140,000 |
JDO1 | John Dory Auckland (East) |
| 423,000 | 354,000 |
KAH1 | Kahawai Auckland (East) |
| 2,220,000 | 1,075,000 |
KIN1 | Kingfish Auckland(East) |
| 673,000 | 91,000 |
KWH1 | Knobbed whelk Auckland (East) |
| 3,000 | 1,000 |
MDI1 | Trough Shell Auckland (East) |
| 1,000 | 1,000 |
MMI1 | Large trough shell Auckland (East) |
| 2,000 | 2,000 |
OCT1 | Octopus Auckland(East) |
| | |
OYS1 | Dredge Oyster Auckland (East) |
| 4,000 | 1,000 |
PAD1 | Paddle Crab Auckland(East) |
| 250,000 | 220,000 |
PAU1 | Paua Auckland |
| | 1,930 |
PDO1 | Deepwater tuatua Auckland (East) |
| 1,000 | 1,000 |
PIL1 | Pilchards Auckland(East) |
| 2,030,000 | 2,000,000 |
POY1 | Oysters Pacific Auckland(East) |
| | |
PPI1A | Pipi Whangarei Harbour fishery |
| 250,000 | 200,000 |
PPI1B | Pipi East Northland |
| 160,000 | 0 |
PPI1B | Pipi East Northland |
| 160,000 | 0 |
PPI1C | Pipi Hauraki Gulf and Bay of Plenty |
| 243,000 | 3,000 |
PPI1C | Pipi Hauraki Gulf and Bay of Plenty |
| 243,000 | 3,000 |
PZL1 | Deepwater clam Auckland (East) |
| 1,500 | 1,200 |
RSN1 | Red Snapper Auckland(East) |
| 80,000 | 64,000 |
SAE1 | Triangle shell Auckland (East) |
| 9,000 | 9,000 |
SCA1 | Scallop Northland scallop fishery |
| 8,500 | 0 |
SCA1A | Scallop Eastern Bay of Plenty |
| 8,000 | 1,000 |
SCA1A | Scallop Eastern Bay of Plenty |
| 8,000 | 1,000 |
SCC1B | Sea cucumber Hauraki Gulf and Bay of Plenty |
| 8,000 | 2,000 |
SCC1A | Sea cucumber East Northland |
| 7,000 | 2,000 |
SCH1 | School Shark Auckland (East) |
| 893,000 | 689,000 |
SNA1 | Snapper Auckland (East) |
| 8,050,000 | 4,500,000 |
SPO1 | Rig Auckland (East) |
| 752,064 | 692,064 |
SUR1A | Kina East Northland |
| 247,000 | 80,000 |
SUR1B | Kina Hauraki Gulf and Bay of Plenty |
| 509,000 | 280,000 |
TAR1 | Tarakihi Auckland (East) |
| 1,259,000 | 978,000 |
TRE1 | Trevally Auckland (East) |
| | 1,506,887 |
TUA1A | Tuatua East Northland |
| 84,000 | 0 |
TUA1B | Tuatua Hauraki Gulf and Bay of Plenty |
| 126,000 | 0 |
YEM1 | Yellow Eyed Mullet Auckland(East) |
| 50,000 | 20,000 |
SCACS | Scallop Coromandel scallop fishery |
| 11,000 | 0 |