Fisheries Infosite

Fishery - Southern Shellfish

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 

52 items
Spp codeCodeNameCustomary significanceRec. significanceExport value (NZ$m)Export weight (000 tonnes)
BYA BYA3 Frilled Venus Shell South...   
BYA BYA5 Frilled Venus Shell South...   
BYA BYA6 Frilled venus shell Sub-A...   
COC COC3 Cockle Otago HighHigh
COC COC5 Cockle Southland and Sub-... HighHigh
DAN DAN3 Ringed Dosinia South-East...   
DAN DAN5 Ringed Dosinia Southland   
DAN DAN6 Ringed dosinia Sub-Antarc...   
DSU DSU3 Silky dosinia South-East ...   
DSU DSU5 Silky dosinia Southland   
DSU DSU6 Silky dosinia Sub-Antarct...   
GLM GLM3 Green-lipped mussel 3, 4,... HighHigh
HOR HOR3 Horse Mussel South-East (...   
HOR HOR5 Horse Mussel Southland   
HOR HOR6 Horse Mussel Sub-Antarcti...   
KWH KWH3 Knobbed whelk South-East ...   
KWH KWH5 Knobbed whelk Southland   
KWH KWH6 Knobbed whelk Sub-Antarct...   
MDI MDI3 Trough Shell South-East (...   
MDI MDI5 Trough Shell Southland   
MDI MDI6 Trough shell Sub-Antarcti...   
MMI MMI3 Large trough shell South-...   
MMI MMI5 Large trough shell Southl...   
MMI MMI6 Large trough shell Sub-An...   
OCT OCT3 Octopus South-East(Coast) LowLow
OCT OCT5 Octopus Southland LowLow
OCT OCT6 Octopus Sub-Antarctic LowLow
OYS OYS3 Dredge Oyster South-East ... HighHigh
OYS OYS5A Dredge Oyster Non-Foveaux... HighHigh
PAD PAD3 Paddle Crab South-East(C...   
PAD PAD5 Paddle Crab Southland   
PAD PAD6 Paddle Crab Sub-Antarcti...   
PPI PPI3 Pipi South-East (Coast)   
PPI PPI5 Pipi Southland and Sub-An...   
PZL PZL3 Deepwater clam South-East...   
PZL PZL5 Deepwater clam Southland ...   
QSC QSC3 Queen Scallop South-East(...   
QSC QSC6 Queen Scallops Sub-Antar...   
SAE SAE3 Triangle shell South-East...   
SAE SAE5 Triangle shell Southland   
SAE SAE6 Triangle shell Sub-Antarc...   
SCA SCA3 Scallop South-East and pa... HighHigh
SCA SCA5 Scallop Southland and Sub... HighHigh
SCC SCC3 Sea cucumber South-East (...   
SCC SCC5A Sea cucumber Fiordland   
SCC SCC5B Sea cucumber Southland an...   
SCC SCC6 Sea cucumber Sub-Antarcti...   
SUR SUR3 Kina South-East (Coast)   
SUR SUR5 Kina Southland   
SUR SUR6 Kina Sub-Antarctic   
TUA TUA3 Tuatua South-East (Coast) HighHigh
TUA TUA5 Tuatua Southland and Sub-... HighHigh
      0.00000 0.00000


  1. Exports are calculated pro-rata to reported commercial catch for the calendar year 2021.