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5 items
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Title: FAR 2019/14 - Relative abundance, size and age structure, and stock status of blue cod off south Otago in 2018
FAR-2019-14-Blue-cod-South-Otago-2018.pdf (3.1 MB)

This report describes the results of the random-site potting survey for blue cod (Parapercis colias) off south Otago in April–May 2018. Estimates are provided for population abundance, size and age structure, sex ratio, total mortality (Z), and spawner biomass-per-recruit ratio. The 2018 potting survey was the third in the south Otago time series, with previous surveys in 2010 and 2013. The 2010 survey was a dual random-site and fixed-site experimental survey in three of the six strata, and 2013 was a solely random-site survey in all six strata.

FAR: 2019/14;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-98-859448-4;
Species: Parapercis colias;
Author: Beentjes; Fenwick; ;
Title: FAR 2019/13 - Relative abundance, size and age structure, and stock status of blue cod in Foveaux Strait in 2018.
FAR-2019-13-blue-cod-Foveaux-Strait-2018.pdf (4.4 MB)
FAR: 2019/13;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-98-859447-7;
Species: Parapercis colias;
Author: Beentjes; Miller; Kater; ;
Title: New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2017/61. 110 p. Blue cod relative abundance, size and age structure, and habitat surveys of Marlborough Sounds in 2013.
FAR-2017-61-Blue-cod-relative-abundance-size-and-age-structure-and-habitat-surveys-of-Marlborough-Sounds-in-2013.pdf (8.5 MB)
This report describes the results of blue cod (Parapercis colias) fixed- and random-site potting surveys carried out concurrently in Marlborough Sounds in September/October 2013. Estimates are provided for population abundance, size and age structure, sex ratio, total mortality (Z), and spawner-per-recruit ratio. This is the seventh survey in the fixed-site survey time series that began in 1995, and the first full random-site survey.
FAR: 2017/61;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-733-9;
ScienceStock: Blue cod;
Species: Parapercis colias;
Stock: Blue cod;
Author: Beentjes; Hart; Michael; Pallentin; Parker;
Title: FAR 2017/15 Age determination protocol for blue cod (Parapercis colias).
FAR-2017-15-Blue-cod-age-determination.pdf (6.1 MB)
This report documents the age determination protocol for blue cod, describing the current scientific methods used in New Zealand for otolith preparation and age determination to ensure accuracy and consistency over time. A brief history and the changes in the methodologies used in ageing blue cod are reported, and a description of the reference collection, and annotated examples of blue cod otolith preparations are also included.
FAR: 2017/15;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-531-1;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: Blue cod; Parapercis colias;
ResearchField: age determination; blue cod; otolith preparation; Parapercis colias;
Author: Walsh;
Title: FAR 2016/42 Relative abundance, size and age structure, and stock status of blue cod in Dusky Sound, Fiordland in 2014.
FAR-2016-42-BCO-Dusky-Sound.pdf (1.9 MB)
 This report describes the results of the 2014 blue cod (Parapercis colias) potting survey of Dusky Sound in Fiordland. Estimates are provided for population abundance, size and age structure, total mortality (Z), and spawner-per-recruit. This is the third survey in the Dusky Sound time series following surveys in 2002 and 2008 which were both fixed site surveys. In 2014, fixed site and random site surveys were carried out concurrently.
FAR: 2016/42;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-339-3;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: Blue cod; Parapercis colias;
ResearchField: ; Blue cod; Dusky Sound; population abundance; total mortality;
Author: Beentjes; Page;