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Title: Commercial catch sampling for length and age of gemfish, alfonsino and rubyfish in QMA 2 in the 2006–07 and 2007–08 fishing years
09_19_FAR.pdf (1.5 MB)
Commercial catch sampling for length and age of gemfish, alfonsino and rubyfish in QMA 2 in the 2006–07 and 2007–08 fishing years
Project code: INS2005/01;
FAR: 2009/19;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ScienceStock: Inshore; Middle depths;
Species: BYX; RBY; SKI;
Stock: BYX2; RBY2; SKI2;
FishingMethod: trawl;
ResearchField: Catch Sampling; Fishery Characterisation;
Author: Horn; Sutton;
Title: Commercial catch sampling for length and age of John dory in JDO 1, gemfish in SKI 2, and alfonsino in BYX 3 in the 2003-04 fishing year, and rubyfish in RBY 2 in the 2000-01 fishing year
INS2003-01 John Dory Grey Mullet Red Gurnard Gemfish Alfonsino length age Objective 8 9 10 11 12 13 final.pdf (19.0 MB)
Commercial catch sampling for length and age of John dory in JDO 1, gemfish in SKI 2, and alfonsino in BYX 3 in the 2003-04 fishing year, and rubyfish in RBY 2 in the 2000-01 fishing year. Objectives 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13
Author: Horn; McMillan; Phillips;
INS2003-01: Objective 10; Objective 11; Objective 12; Objective 13; Objective 8; Objective 9;
ResearchField: ageing; Catch sampling;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: BYX; JDO; RBY; SKI;
Stock: BYX3; JDO1; RBY2; SKI2;
Title: Maximum ages for bluenose (Hyperoglyphe antarctica) and rubyfish (Plagiogeneion rubiginosum) determined by the bomb chronometer method of radiocarbon ageing, and comments on the inferred life history of these species
INS2000-02 Bluenose and Rubyfish Objectives 1,2 Final.pdf (5.2 MB)
Maximum ages for bluenose (Hyperoglyphe antarctica) and rubyfish (Plagiogeneion rubiginosum) determined by the bomb chronometer method of radiocarbon ageing, and comments on the inferred life history of these species. Objectives 1 and 2
Author: Horn; Neil; Paul; Sparks;
INS2000-02: Objective 1; Objective 2;
ResearchField: Ageing;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: BNS; RBY;
Title: Commercial catch sampling of alfonsino, bluenose, gemfish and rubyfish in QMA 2 in 2000-01
INS2000-01 Alfonsino, Bluenose, Gemfish and Rubyfish QMA Final.pdf (725.7 kb)
Commercial catch sampling of alfonsino, bluenose, gemfish and rubyfish in QMA 2 in 2000-01
Author: Blackwell;
INS2000-01: .;
ResearchField: Catch sampling;
ScienceStock: Inshore; middle depth;
Species: BNS; BYX; RBY; SKI;
Stock: BNS2; BYX2; RBY2; SKI2;
Title: Commercial catch sampling of alfonsino, bluenose, gemfish and rubyfish in QMA 2 in 1999-2000
INS1999-01 Alfonsino, Bluenose, Gemfish and Rubyfish QMA 2.pdf (1.1 MB)
Commercial catch sampling of alfonsino, bluenose, gemfish and rubyfish in QMA 2 in 1999-2000
Author: Blackwell; Horn; McMillan; Paul;
INS1999-01: .;
ResearchField: Catch sampling;
ScienceStock: Inshore; Middle depth;
Species: BNS; BYX; RBY; SKI;
Stock: BNS2; BYX2; RBY2; SKI2;
Title: Rubyfish (Plagiogeneion rubiginosum) abundance indices from standardised catch per unit effort (CPUE) analysis for the east coast North Island target trawl fishery, 1988-89 to 1997-98
\2000 FARs\00_54_FARD .pdf (738.7 kb)
Rubyfish (Plagiogeneion rubiginosum) abundance indices from standardised catch per unit effort (CPUE) analysis for the east coast North Island target trawl fishery, 1988-89 to 1997-98
Author: Blackwell;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: CPUE;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: RBY;
Stock: RBY2;
Title: Development of an ageing methodology, and first estimates of growth parameters and natural mortality for rubyfish (Plagiogeneion rubiginosum) off the east coast of the North Island (QMA 2)
\2000 FARs\00_22_FARD .pdf (1.6 MB)
Development of an ageing methodology, and first estimates of growth parameters and natural mortality for rubyfish (Plagiogeneion rubiginosum) off the east coast of the North Island (QMA 2)
Author: Francis; Horn; Paul;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Analytical methods; Life-history characteristics;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: RBY;
Stock: RBY2;
Title: Catch sampling for length/sex and age of alfonsino, bluenose, gemfish, and rubyfish in QMA 2 during the 1998-99 fishing year
INS19801 Alfonsino Bluenose Gemfish Rubyfish QMA2 final Objective 1,2.pdf (653.1 kb)
Catch sampling for length/sex and age of alfonsino, bluenose, gemfish, and rubyfish in QMA 2 during the 1998-99 fishing year Objectives 1 and 2
Author: Blackwell; McMillan; Paul;
INS9801: Objective 1; Objective 2;
ResearchField: Catch sampling;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: BNS; BYS; BYX; RBY; SKI;
Stock: BNS2; BYX2; RBY2; SKI2;