Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary May 2023 Volume 3 – STARGAZER (STA)
89 STA 2023.pdf
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Fisheries Assessment Plenary May 2023 Volume 3 – STARGAZER (STA)
Plenary (STA_FINAL 08)
Plenary (STA_07)
Plenary (STA_06)
Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary May 2017: Stock Assessments and Stock Status
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The May 2017 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 83 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Each species or species group is split into 1-10 stocks for management purposes. STA
Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary May 2016: Stock Assessments and Stock Status
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The May 2016 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 83 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Each species or species group is split into 1-10 stocks for management purposes. STA.
Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary May 2015: Stock Assessments and Stock Status
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The May 2015 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 82 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Each species or species group is split into 1-10 stocks for management purposes. STA
The May 2014 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 82 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Each species or species group is split into 1-10 stocks for management purposes. Volume 3 covers the Red Snapper to Yellow-eyed Mullet.
No estimates of current and reference biomass are available.
The TACC for STA 1 was increased from 21 t to 50 t in the 1991–92 fishing year under the AMP. In 1997, the TACC was reduced to 21 t upon its removal from the programme. Recent catches have exceeded this level. It is not known if recent catch levels and current TACC are sustainable. Thestatus of STA 1 relative to BMSY is unknown.
The TACC for STA 2 was increased from 37 t to 100 t in the 1991–92 fishing year under the AMP. Landings in the early 1990s peaked in the range of 105–125 t, but have subsequently declined. Recent relative abundance indices from both the ECNI inshore trawl survey and the ECNI scampi trawl survey are lower than those in 1993. The 1997 assessment suggested that the exploitation rate was very high, but the model results were determined by the choice of maximum allowable exploitation rate. An upper bound of 80% for the catch/biomass ratio was used in the base case, but this wasconsidered unrealistically high.
The TACC was reduced back to 38 t in the 1997–98 fishing year, upon the removal of STA 2 from the programme. Landings have been slightly above the TACC in recent years. It is not known whether recent catches and the current TACC are sustainable. The status of STA 2 relative to BMSY is unknown.
STA 3 is being managed with
Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary May 2013: Stock Assessments and Yield Estimates
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The May 2013 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 82 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Each species or species group is split into 1-10 stocks for management purposes. Stagazer (STA).
Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary May 2014: Stock Assessments and Stock Status. Stargazer (STA)
91_STA_2014 FINAL.pdf
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The May 2014 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 82 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Each species or species group is split into 1-10 stocks for management purposes. Stargazer (STA)
Title: STARGAZER (STA) – Fisheries Assessment Plenary May 2022 Volume 3
89 STA 2022.pdf
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STARGAZER (STA) – Fisheries Assessment Plenary May 2022 Volume 3
Title: Stargazer (STA) – Fisheries Assessment Plenary May 2024 Volume 3
89 STA 2024.pdf
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Title: Stargazer (STA) – May Plenary Report 2021 Volume 3
89 STA 2021.pdf
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Stargazer (STA) – May Plenary Report 2021 Volume 3
This document summarises the most recent New Zealand fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information about stargazer.