Plenary (STN_07)
Plenary (STN_06)
Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary, November 2016: stock assessments and stock status
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The November 2016 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 16 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. STN
Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary, November 2015: stock assessments and stock status.
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The November 2015 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 16 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Volume 2 covers Rock lobster to Yellowfin tuna.
Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary November 2014: Stock Assessments and Stock Status
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The November 2014 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 17 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Southern bluefin tuna (STN)
The November 2014 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 17 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Volume 2 covers Rock Lobster to Yellowfin Tuna.
The results from the reconditioned OM indicate that the spawning stock biomass is at a very low level. For the base case, the spawning biomass is estimated to be at 4.6% of the unfished level (SSB0), with a 90% probability interval of 3% to 8%. This very low spawning stock biomass is consistent across all the plausible alternative scenarios (median range: 3.6-5.1%) and is a little more than 15% of the level at which MSY could be obtained.
These results differ from those reported in earlier reports. This difference reflects the revisions in the model structure and the incorporation of new data. It does not imply that the actual spawning stock biomass has approximately halved in the period between reporting of results. Results from the new base case indicate that spawning stock biomass has been very low, but relatively stable, over the recent period (Figure 4).
The estimated trajectories of spawning stock biomass integrated over the grid for the base case over the full time series for the fishery are given in Figure 4. This shows a continuous decline from the late 1950s to the late 1970s, then a short period of stabilisation followed by a further decline from the early 1980s to mid 1990s to a very low level. The spawning stock biomass is estimated to have remained at this low level with relatively small annual variation until the early 2000s. For the more recent period, a decline in the median spawning stock biomass is evident from 2002. Th
This report presents the status of the fish stocks for highly migratory species, rock lobster and toothfish resulting from research and stock assessments up to 2010.
This document summarises the most recent New Zealand fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information about Red Southern Bluefin Tuna.
The IUCN listed southern bluefin tuna as critically endangered in 1996 based on the rate of population decline. The three original Parties to the CCSBT (Australia, Japan and New Zealand) have met to assess stock status regularly and in nearly every case have agreed that the parental stock was at historically low levels and that the parental stock should be rebuilt to the level seen in the 1980s. This level of parental biomass coincided with a period when recruitment (on average) had been stable.
The most recent assessment was undertaken in 2005 and covered the entire stock. On a regional level there are concerns relating to the current status of this stock and the level of fishing effort. The stock is presently well below the level necessary to produce the maximum sustainable yield. The global catch limit has been set at a level considered to reduce the possibility of further decline in the stock and hopefully lead to rebuild.