Plenary (SWO_07)
Plenary (SWO_06)
Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary, November 2016: stock assessments and stock status
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The November 2016 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 16 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. SWO
Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary, November 2016: stock assessments and stock status
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The November 2016 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 16 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. YFN
Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary November 2014: Stock Assessments and Stock Status
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The November 2014 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 17 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Swordfish (SWO)
The November 2014 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 17 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Volume 2 covers Rock Lobster to Yellowfin Tuna.
The November 2013 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 19 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Each species or species group is split into 1-10 stocks for management purposes. Swordfish (SWO).
The mid-year November 2012 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Each species or species group is split into 1-10 stocks for management purposes. The November Plenary includes Working Group and Plenary summaries for species that operate on different management cycles to those summarised in the May Plenary Report. It includes Highly Migratory Species (HMS), rock lobster, scallops and dredge oysters, covering 17 species in total.
Year of Most Recent Assessment: A full stock assessment was conducted in 2008.
Reference Points
Target: B>BMSY and F<FMSY
Soft Limit: Not established by WCPFC; but evaluated using HSS default of 20%SB0.
Hard Limit: Not established by WCPFC; but evaluated using HSS default of 10%SB0.
Status in relation to Target Very Likely that B>BMSY and F<FMSY
Status in relation to Limits Soft Limit: Very Unlikely to be below
Hard Limit: Very Unlikely to be below
Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary, November 2015: stock assessments and stock status.
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The November 2015 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 16 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Volume 2 covers Rock lobster to Yellowfin tuna.
This report presents the status of the fish stocks for highly migratory species, rock lobster and toothfish resulting from research and stock assessments up to 2010.
This document summarises the most recent New Zealand fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information about Swordfish.
It is not currently possible to estimate a long-term sustainable yield for swordfish, or to determine if recent catch levels will allow the stock(s) to move towards a size that would support a MSY.