Fisheries Infosite

Green-lipped mussel (MSG)
Maori name
Scientific name
Perna canaliculus

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 
for the 12 month period to 30/09/2025

There is some historical catch data on this page relating to catch taken prior to Green lipped mussels entering the QMS in 2004. MSG is now managed under the QMS as GLM. Catch and value information relating to to this stock can be found on the GLM species pages. (click here)

Commercial use
Reported catch MHR (kg) 0
Commercial allowance TACC (kg) 0
Export volume (kg) 0
Estimated domestic consumption (kg) Unknown

Customary use
Customary allowance (kg) 0
Customary take (kg) Unknown

Recreational use
Recreational allowance (kg) 0
Recreational take (kg) Unknown

Other sources of mortality
Other mortality allowance (kg) 0 
Illegal take (kg) Unknown 
Commercial Catch vs. Allowance* - Trend
Reported catch by month* - Trend
*All amounts are shown in thousands of kgs.