Fisheries Infosite

Orange roughy (ORH)
Scientific name
Hoplostethus atlanticus

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 
for the 12 month period to 30/09/2024
Commercial use
Reported catch MHR (kg) 4,453,746
Commercial allowance TACC (kg) 8,946,000
Export volume (kg) 0
Estimated domestic consumption (kg) Unknown

Customary use
Customary allowance (kg) 7,000
Customary take (kg) Unknown

Recreational use
Recreational allowance (kg)
Recreational take (kg) Unknown

Other sources of mortality
Other mortality allowance (kg) 447,000 
Illegal take (kg) Unknown 
Commercial Catch vs. Allowance* - Trend
Reported catch by month* - Trend
*All amounts are shown in thousands of kgs.

Fishstock CodeNameReported comm. catch (kg)TACC (kg)Cust. allow. (kg)Rec. allow. (kg)Target In QMS
ORH3B Orange Roughy South East (Chat... 2,691,426 4,752,000 5,000 0 Yes Yes
ORH7A Orange Roughy Challenger (Nort... 846,490 2,058,000 2,000 0 Yes Yes
ORH2A Orange Roughy Central (Gisborn... 460,336 488,000 0 0 Yes Yes
ORH1 Orange Roughy Auckland (East) 339,183 1,400,000 0 0 Yes Yes
ORH2B Orange Roughy Central (Wairara... 60,490 60,000 0 0 Yes Yes
ORH3A Orange Roughy South East (Cook... 55,695 177,000 Yes Yes
ORH7B Orange Roughy Challenger (Sout... 126 1,000 0 0 Yes Yes
ORH10 Orange Roughy Kermadec 10,000 Yes Yes
ORHCL Orange Roughy Central Louisvil... No No
ORHET Orange Roughy Extra Territoria... Yes No
ORHLH Orange Roughy Lord Howe Rise No No
ORHNC Orange Roughy Northwest Challe... No No
ORHNL Orange Roughy North Louisville... No No
ORHSL Orange Roughy South Louisville... No No
ORHSTR Orange Roughy South Tasman Ris... Yes No
ORHTS Orange RoughyTasman Sea No No
ORHWB Orange Roughy Westpac Bank No No
ORHWN Orange Roughy West Norfolk Rid... No No
   4,453,746 8,946,000 7,000 0