Fisheries Infosite

Frostfish (FRO)
Maori name
Scientific name
Lepidopus caudatus

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 
for the 12 month period to 30/09/2025
Commercial use
Reported catch MHR (kg) 604,260
Commercial allowance TACC (kg) 4,019,000
Export volume (kg) 0
Estimated domestic consumption (kg) Unknown

Customary use
Customary allowance (kg) 5,000
Customary take (kg) Unknown

Recreational use
Recreational allowance (kg) 4,000
Recreational take (kg) Unknown

Other sources of mortality
Other mortality allowance (kg) 72,000 
Illegal take (kg) Unknown 
Commercial Catch vs. Allowance* - Trend
Reported catch by month* - Trend
*All amounts are shown in thousands of kgs.

Fishstock CodeNameReported comm. catch (kg)TACC (kg)Cust. allow. (kg)Rec. allow. (kg)Target In QMS
FRO9 Frostfish Auckland(West) 298,758 400,000 1,000 1,000 No Yes
FRO8 Frostfish Central(West) 282,560 900,000 1,000 0 No Yes
FRO7 Frostfish Challenger 9,339 2,110,000 1,000 1,000 No Yes
FRO4 Frostfish South-East(Chatham R... 8,782 124,000 0 0 No Yes
FRO3 Frostfish South-East(Coast) 2,412 80,000 0 0 No Yes
FRO2 Frostfish Central(East) 1,608 110,000 1,000 1,000 No Yes
FRO1 Frostfish Auckland(East) 723 149,000 1,000 1,000 No Yes
FRO5 Frostfish Southland 78 135,000 0 0 No Yes
FRO10 Frostfish Kermadec 0 0 0 No Yes
FRO6 Frostfish Sub-Antarctic 11,000 0 0 No Yes
FROET Frostfish Extra Territorial (2... No No
   604,260 4,019,000 5,000 4,000