Fisheries Infosite

Bass (BAS)
Maori name
Scientific name
Polyprion americanus

Stock status
2016 stock assessment plenary documents are available in the Fisheries Infosite document library.

For further details on Near or above target levels click here
9 items
CodeDescription Plenary link TACTACC
BAS1Bass 1 & 9 Combined

Bass is managed under the QMS as Hapuku and Bass (HPB). All catch and value information relating to this stock can be found on the HPB spe more

BAS2Bass Central(East)
BAS3Bass South-East(Coast)
BAS4Bass South-East(Chatham Rise)
BAS5Bass 5 & 6 Combined
BAS7Bass Challenger
BAS8Bass Central(West)
BAS10Bass Kermadec
BASETBass Extra Territorial (200 mile limit)