Fisheries Infosite

Cockle Otago (COC3)
Maori name
Scientific name
Austrovenus stutchburyi

Physical characteristics

Cockles are generally recreationally harvested at a shell length of 30 mm or greater, but can attain a length greater than 60 mm.

Life cycle

Cockles usually reach maturity at approximately 18 mm shell length. They spawn during late summer.


Cockles are found in the intertidal on soft mud to fine sand areas of beaches throughout New Zealand.

Key statistics
Recreational significance High
Customary significance High
Reported commercial catch1 (tonnes) 254.96
Quota value estimate2 (NZ$m)
Exports estimate2 (NZ$m)
1 Reported commercial catch is calculated for the 12 month period to 30/09/2025
2 Quota value and exports are calculated pro-rata to reported commercial catch for the 12 month period to 30/09/2025