Fisheries Infosite

Alfonsino 1 & 9 Combined (BYX1)
Scientific name
Beryx splendens, B. decadactylus

Physical characteristics

Alfonsino are bright red, with a silver tinge and have bright red fins. They can grow to a maximum length of 50 cm.

Life cycle

Alfonsino can reach a maximum age of 17 years. Sexual maturity is reached at 4-5 years old and a length of 30 cm. No information on spawning in New Zealand is available, but based on international data, spawning occurs during summer and autumn.


In New Zealand, Alfonsino are found mostly in central and northern regions. They inhabit seamount areas at depths of 180-1000 m and feed on plankton.

Key statistics
Recreational significance Low
Customary significance Low
Reported commercial catch1 (tonnes) 3.17
Quota value estimate2 (NZ$m)
Exports estimate2 (NZ$m)
1 Reported commercial catch is calculated for the 12 month period to 30/09/2025
2 Quota value and exports are calculated pro-rata to reported commercial catch for the 12 month period to 30/09/2025