Fisheries Infosite

Patagonian Toothfish (FMAs 1-10 combined) (PTO1)
Scientific name
Dissostichus eleginoides

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 
for the 12 month period to 30/09/2025
Commercial use
Reported catch MHR (kg) 0
Commercial allowance TACC (kg) 49,500
Estimated domestic consumption (kg) Unknown

Reported catch by month* - Trend
Reported catch by month* - Seasonality
Customary use
Customary allowance (kg)
Customary take (kg) Unknown

Recreational use
Recreational allowance (kg)
Recreational take (kg) Unknown

Other sources of mortality
Other mortality allowance (kg) 500 
Illegal take (kg) Unknown 

Commercial Catch vs. Allowance* - Trend
*All amounts are shown in thousands of kgs.