Fisheries Infosite

New Zealand marine mammals and commercial fisheries

AEBR_119_2665_PRO2012-02 Obj1 and 2, RR2.pdf

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AEBR_119_2665_PRO2012-02 Obj1 and 2, RR2.pdf (3.1 MB)

This literature review presents a summary of existing information on interactions between marine mammals and commercial fisheries in New Zealand waters. Also included is population information of the 35 cetacean and pinniped (sub)species that inhabit this region. The review forms the basis of a risk assessment of the impact of fishing-related mortalities on marine mammals in New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone.

Document date
Friday, 6 December 2013
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V 1.3
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AEBR_119_2665_PRO2012-02 Obj1 and 2, RR2.pdf

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Tuesday, 4 February 2014

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AEBR: 119;
ISSN: 1179-6480;
ISBN: 978-0-478-42317-4;
Author: Abraham; Berkenbusch; Torres;

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